Probiotics for Constipation: How to pick the right one!

Constipation is a common health issue that many people struggle with. It can be caused by a variety of factors, such as poor diet, lack of physical activity, and certain medications. One natural way to help alleviate constipation is by taking probiotics. Probiotics...

Blood Sugar Balancing Smoothie Guidelines

Understanding how to balance blood sugar is a crucial part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It’s not just about avoiding sugary treats or cutting out certain food groups, but rather it’s about making smarter choices when it comes to what we eat. One of...

How Naturopathy Plays A Vital Role In Supporting Mental Health

Understanding the implications of mental health has become increasingly important in today’s fast-paced, stress-filled world. More than ever, we are exploring alternative ways to support our mental well-being. One such alternative is naturopathy, a holistic...

Dispelling Myths about Naturopathic Medicine

If you have ever shown interest in alternative medicine, you have probably heard about naturopathic medicine. This holistic approach to health and wellness is one that has been both praised and criticized, often surrounded by many myths. Here, we are going to debunk...

Keep Your Immune System in Peak Condition

Today, I want to share with you a bit of information about what your immune system is and 4 holistic ways to optimize it’s function. Keep Your Immune System in Peak Condition The Great Defender: that’s our immune system, uniquely designed to keep us healthy and...

About Me

Hello! I’m Jen Overbeck and I’m a Naturopathic Doctor.  I’ve worked in the Grand Rapids community for the past four years and have gotten to know many amazing clients and professionals. I’m working on something (top secret) that I’m so very excited about that I can’t...